My initial graphic design is actually a reflection of my personal preference.

Because My clients are young people. As a young person myself, I feel more like designing a house of my own. Like I perfer a sofa than a dining table, and I prefer a shower than a tube, etc. In order to save more space, I decide to use a moveable wardrobe to replace the “wall” of bedroom. I also put in a lot of things with the same angle, such as tables, walls and closets, so that they can echo each other and make the house more interesting. plan初

My first plan was just a attempt. I learned from it that there are three indispensable parts of a house: bathroom, bedroom and kitchen. They don’t have to be a room with four walls. They are just functional spaces.

On the basis of this cognition, I decided to develop the moveable wardrobe idea. Besides its space-saving function, I was thinking that why not let this moving part become a partition of the whole space, open and close the space through its movement. This “moving wall” can blur the definition of space and make the space appear larger. plan初改1